Gum Treatments

Revitalise Your Gum Health With Expert Treatments in Caringbah, NSW

A woman is getting her teeth examined by a professional dentist.
A woman is smiling while sitting in a dental chair.

Healthy, Long-Lasting Teeth

Expert Gum Treatment

Dr Joseph Do and Associates offer gum treatment for bleeding gum, gum recession, and loose teeth, helping you keep your teeth for life.

Do your gums bleed by themselves or when you brush your teeth? If so, you may have gum disease.

Gum disease, or ‘periodontal disease,’ is one of the most common factors affecting the dental health of adults. It can create a multitude of problems, including tooth loss in extreme cases.

Signs, Causes, and Progression of Periodontal Disease

The signs of periodontal disease are bleeding, inflammation in the gums, unpleasant taste, and bad breath. Gum disease can also cause discomfort when chewing or biting, pain, and tooth loosening.

Essentially, periodontal disease begins with the buildup of plaque, which, if left uncleaned, hardens into tartar. This layer of tartar is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn acts as the primary cause of infection in the area of the surrounding gum.

As this infection advances through the gums, the supporting tissues around the teeth are lost, which in turn causes the gums to recede. A pocket is then created in which more bacteria may multiply, creating further disease and infection.

Healthy Teeth and Gums

How to Prevent Gum Disease?

  • Brushing your teeth after breakfast and after dinner.
  • Floss your teeth daily, at least once a day, after dinner. Either before or after brushing is fine.
  • Clean your tongue using a Tongue Scraper. You will be amazed at what comes off your tongue after you use it. We give out free tongue scrapers and show our patients how to use them when they come in for a teeth clean.
  • See our gentle dentist to check your teeth and gums and have your teeth scaled (cleaned) every six months.

Restore Your Dental Health

We are providing Gum treatments for patients and if your gums bleed or you have bad breath, call us today at 02 95248877, and we will improve your dental health!

Take the first step toward healthier gums!

Contact us on 02 9524 8877 to schedule your gum treatment consultation today!

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